Creating a “buzz” about Science Investigation – through drama!

Workshop Description

What skills does a Science Investigator need – and how can the natural world help us identify and understand them? This quick-fired workshop, suitable for up to 60 children at a time, answers these questions through a high energy drama activity that incorporates both team working and problem-solving too. And longer workshops can also include a game designed to cement key content from topics classes are currently exploring!

Exploring: science investigation skills, animal adaptations, subject-specific content

"All staff have fed back to me about how impressed they were with the workshops, how well the children responded to them and how excellent Chris was as a presenter, making the sessions interactive, engaging and educational for the children.  The workshops have helped support me with my mission to promote working scientifically and develop a love of science in the school." Bursted Wood Primary School

"The workshop linked beautifully with our IPC topic – Mission to Mars and supported their learning about the features of different planets." John Ball School


EYFS - Y6 / P1-P7 / Senior Infants - 6th Class
30 minutes upwards
Whole school!
School Hall


How many pupils can take part?

What a Wonderful World can accommodate up-to 60 pupils per workshop - that's the whole of a two-form entry school in just one day!

What is the format of the day?

We will work with you to plan a timetable for the workshops, to suit the number of classes you would like to include - and around the specific timings of your school day. In a two-form entry primary school (with all year groups apart from Reception taking part in groups of up-to 60), the timetable might look like this:


09.00 – 09.20: (optional) Whole-school assembly, where your visitor will introduce the day…

09.20 – 10.00: Year 1 stay in the hall for their workshop …

10.00 – 10.40: Year 2 come to the hall for their workshop …

10.40 – 11.20: Year 3 come to the hall for their workshop …

11.20 – 11.50: One Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …


1.00 – 1.30: The other Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …

1.30 – 2.10: Year 4 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.10 – 2.50: Year 5 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.50 – 3.30: Year 6 come to the hall for their workshop.

Are there any technical requirements?

Each working space needs to be equipped with laptop/screen/projector, so pupils can view the supporting PowerPoint throughout.


Where will the workshops take place?

These workshops require the use of your school hall. 

Are there any other whole-school science days?

Yes, you can also enjoy a whole school experience with What a Wonderful World, Time for Science, The Connection, and The Regeneration Generation Or, build your own whole school, Big Science Day.

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