Tapping into pupils’ own creativity, our unashamedly fun Creative Maths workshops include: CSI: Maths, The Pirate's Challenge, Big Maths, The Trading Game and Outdoor Maths.
Our Creative Science workshops for schools provide an amazing way of promoting science, cementing pupils’ subject knowledge, explaining difficult concepts and introducing new content.
Experiential, exciting and empowering, our imaginative and cross-curricular approaches harness tried and trusted approaches from the worlds of drama, visual art and creative writing.
Our poetry workshops are available all year round as well as on key annual events such as; World Poetry Day, World Book Day, National Poetry Day and Shakespeare Week.
Including larger than life, interactive performances and workshops our History Workshops and Shows for Primary Schools offers pupils privileged perspectives on the lives of people in the past.
Our highly interactive Shakespeare workshops for Schools, actively build on prior knowledge to support pupils in understanding Shakespeare’s stories and characters.
Other School Workshops include ...
Our Big Enterprise Days allow us to provide a full day of workshops for up to 300 students from a single year group!
Summer Schools
Choose from a one, two or three day programme exploring key areas of the curriculum in maths, literacy and science.
Celebrate your year 6 pupils time at your school, considering both the fresh opportunities that transition brings them.
World Space Week
Engaging pupils with science and supporting them in understanding our neighbours in the solar system – as well as worlds much further away.
We’ve got workshops with a seasonal take on numeracy, literacy, science and history – with something for EYFS, KS1 and KS2!
Refuge Week
Inviting pupils to explore the lives of refugees – and those who have welcomed them – across the years, promoting empathy and tolerance.
Living with the War
Living with the War is our schools' play specifically designed to support the exploration of World War One at Key Stages 1 - 4.
Outdoor Classroom Day
We are happy to adapt any of our workshops to take place in your outdoor space.
Festival and Events
We've taken some of our most popular schools workshops and adapted them so they can be delivered in libraries, festivals and well - pretty much anywhere!
International Women's Day
We've developed some exciting new programmes to help you celebrate International Women's Day (March 8th)!
Florence Nightingale Visit
A Visit from Florence Nightingale opens with an assembly for participating year groups, followed by workshops for a class at a time.
Historical Maths
Using a range of age-differentiated mathematical skills to solve problems from the past – whilst at the same time learning a wealth of new historical content!
British Science Week
Drama-based approaches to cement existing learning, clarify difficult concepts, challenge thinking and introduce new content!
National Poetry Day
Celebrate National Poetry Day or World Poetry Da with an in-person or live streamed workshop from As Creatives!
World Book Day
A Visit from Florence Nightingale opens with an assembly for participating year groups, followed by workshops for a class at a time.
Teacher CPD
Our Teacher CPD leaves you with techniques to continue inspiring pupils in innovative ways and you can choose from a whole range of options.
To discuss how we could work with you please get in touch
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