All of our maths workshops have been carefully designed to put into context and actively promote to both the Northern Ireland Curriculum and the Curriculum for Ireland. 

Tapping into pupils’ own creativity, our unashamedly fun workshops engage, motivate and, crucially, challenge the children and young people we work with, providing them with meaningful contexts in which to practise their skills.

You can view our maths workshops for primary schools in Ireland here. 

Our workshops have been specifically developed to support maths teaching and learning in the following ways:
  • To support the accurate use of mathematical knowledge and concepts.
  • To support the use of mathematics to solve problems and make decisions.
  • To support the development of methods and strategies, including mental mathematics.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to read and interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats.
  • To support the use of mathematical understanding and language to ask and answer questions, talk about and discuss ideas and explain ways of working.

"I was overwhelmed at the pupil involvement. Many pupils who would not be focused or fully involved in Maths lessons were fully engaged and participating very well." Head of Maths, St Patrick's College, Belfast

Maths Workshops

CSI: Maths

CSI: Maths

A series of challenging mysteries to engage your students and get them thinking logically Workshop Description Combining criminal mysteries and
Creative Approaches to Maths CPD

Creative Approaches to Maths CPD

This popular session gives teachers an opportunity to explore a range of proven, highly engaging, creative methodologies for teaching and
The Trading Game

The Trading Game

A high energy activity that challenges students’ understanding of shape, probes concepts of “value” and asks them to cope with
The Priorities Game

The Priorities Game

Working in teams - and responding to change - to put maths in context! Workshop Description This thought provoking workshop
Big Maths day from As Creatives

Murderous Maths

Interactive problem solving for up to 180 pupils (with follow-up workshops for up to four classes, depending on the structure
Big Maths Day

Big Maths Day

Big Maths Days are a fantastic way of generating a real ‘maths buzz’ around the school, while actively signalling to
Selling Maths

Selling Maths

Workshop Description Which discovery had more impact on the world – the concept of zero or the ratio characterised by
Maths and the World of Work

Maths and the World of Work

Workshop Description Developed to support students in contextualising maths and understanding how important the subject is to their future prosperity,
Number Patterns: The Bunker

Number Patterns: The Bunker

A fast-paced workshop contextualising sequencing and making connections between maths and other subjects! “Students enjoyed working with Jo from As
Family Maths

Family Maths

Mathematical fun for all the family! Taking a experiential approach, our immersive Family Maths workshops uncover the meaning and importance