A Big Science Day can accommodate up-to the whole of a two-form entry school in one day. Following an opening assembly, one year group at a time takes part in their own workshop on a science topic of their choice!


Workshop Description

You can construct your own Big Science Day by selecting different science topics/themes for each workshop - and we have workshops covering all strands of the curriculum for all year groups. Or, to create a real “science buzz”, you might go for a structure in which different year groups investigate, in age-appropriate ways, different facets of the same overall theme. Days like this include …

What a Wonderful World: looking at some of the animal and plant life forms adapted to particular habitats – and the dangers posed to them by human activity. 

Journeys into Space: exploring the features of some of our neighbours in the solar system – and the story of human space exploration … 

Innovation and Beyond: bringing to life “seven innovations that have changed the world” – and the legacies of some scientists/engineers/inventors from diverse backgrounds. 

The Regeneration Generation: investigating what climate change “is”, why it is important, what is causing it – and what steps we can all take to combat it. 

The Connection: looking at a number of scientists/technologists/inventors/engineers (none of them dead, white men) who have absolutely changed the world – and who should be much better known than they are!   

Time for Science: bringing to life the centrality of time in a whole range of science strands – from ageing processes to seasonality, from the fossil record to electricity and from lifespans to the story of humans in space. And featuring a diverse range of scientists from the past!

And, from February 2025, Change and Adapt - Adapt to Change: investigating ways in which the ability to adapt to changing conditions is the key to long term survival – from plants to mammals to civilisations themselves!

“The children had a wonderful day, the content layered upon their current learning and it was very interactive. Staff have had really positive things to say about it; how lovely it was lovely to see children excited about science and how organised everything was!” Columbia Primary

EYFS - Y6 / P1-P7 / Senior Infants - 6th Class
30 minutes upwards
Whole school!
School Hall


How many pupils can take part?

What a Wonderful World can accommodate up-to 60 pupils per workshop - that's the whole of a two-form entry school in just one day!

What is the format of the day?

We will work with you to plan a timetable for the workshops, to suit the number of classes you would like to include - and around the specific timings of your school day. In a two-form entry primary school (with all year groups apart from Reception taking part in groups of up-to 60), the timetable might look like this:


09.00 – 09.20: (optional) Whole-school assembly, where your visitor will introduce the day…

09.20 – 10.00: Year 1 stay in the hall for their workshop …

10.00 – 10.40: Year 2 come to the hall for their workshop …

10.40 – 11.20: Year 3 come to the hall for their workshop …

11.20 – 11.50: One Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …


1.00 – 1.30: The other Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …

1.30 – 2.10: Year 4 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.10 – 2.50: Year 5 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.50 – 3.30: Year 6 come to the hall for their workshop.

Are there any technical requirements?

Each working space needs to be equipped with laptop/screen/projector, so pupils can view the supporting PowerPoint throughout.


Where will the workshops take place?

These workshops require the use of your school hall. 

Are there any other whole school science days?

Yes, you can also enjoy a whole school experience with What a Wonderful World, Time for Science, The Connection or Science Skills

Related Workshops

Time for Science British Science Week School Workshops

Time for Science

Time for Science highlights the importance of time in a variety of scientific disciplines, each chosen to complement areas that each primary year group will investigate throughout this school year.

The Connection

The Connection

The Connection places science, engineering and technology firmly in context by exploring the lives, achievements and legacies of individuals whose inventions and discoveries have affected all our lives!

The Science of Change

The Science of Change gives children the opportunity to explore pivotal people and moments in the ever changing landscape of science, engineering and technology.