Messages from Space

What do we know about Neptune? What’s the science of Saturn? And what’s our understanding of Uranus?   “The workshops were great and the children thoroughly enjoyed them. The whole year group are very excited about what they have learned about the space race and are looking forward to publishing their poems to go on … Read More

The Race into Space

The search is on for the UK’s next astronaut – and Major Tom wants your pupils’ help in selecting the best person for the job!  

Space Pirates! 

From proto-stars to black holes – an interactive exploration of the life cycles of stars!    

The Women of Space 

This series of age-differentiated, lively, engaging and fact-packed workshops brings to life a few of the many women who have played such an important role in humanity’s journey to the stars – perfect for World Space Week!    “Year 6 enjoyed their Science week workshop today. We found out lots of information about the space … Read More

The Story of Flight 

Looking at ways that Science Investigators have helped humankind fulfill its dream of taking to the skies!

Journeys into Space

It’s more than fifty years since the first humans walked on the moon – and Journeys into Space allows up to 420 pupils to put this extraordinary milestone in context in a single day!  “Can I just thank you all for the lovely sessions yesterday. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed them, and are still talking about … Read More

Time Travel Tourist – the Apollo Adventurers

It was in July 1969 that Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar landscape and uttered the famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Since then, only another eleven astronauts have walked on the moon – and none since 1972.   “Please can you pass on our thanks to … Read More