Those pupils who said they don’t like poetry will be writing furiously at the end of this magical workshop.

 "The Year 2s were absolutely enthralled by the workshop! Jackson was amazing at catching and maintaining the attention of children with a variety of needs and encouraging within them a true love of words. All children, no matter their ability, were able to gain something from the workshop. Whether that be how to use their bodies to create an image, how to develop our small ideas into a bigger final piece or how to perform poems to a rhythm. To see all the children working together using different creative methods was lovely to see and their pride upon receiving their own illustrated poem the next day was a joy to see." Oldfield Primary School

Workshop Description

Realising the power of “sound”, they’ll design and perform contrasting soundscapes on a text or theme of your choice – then be guided through a structure that will help them create poems that tell both individual and collective stories. We’ll then guide them through a structure supporting them in crafting richly descriptive poems that tell both individual and collective stories in which the writers’ choices are central.  

Longer workshops will see them gaining experience in presentation skills as we support them in exploring the most effective ways to deliver their poems vocally.

Exploring (according to age):  onomatopoeia, alliteration, descriptive writing, contrasts, rhythm, tone, pace.

"Each class thoroughly enjoyed the poetry workshops and enjoyed taking an active role in order to create their ideas. Using drama to create an orchestra of sounds for our soundscape poems was fantastic to see and I know that we plan to use this strategy with the children again! Thank you for inspiring the children, so they could create such wonderful ideas!" Windsor CP School

"The immersion aspect was particularly effective in engaging the pupils and this led to high standards of written poetry. All teachers were full of praise for the workshops and were delighted with the pupil outcomes and engagement. We would love to arrange another visit for next year!" Head of English, Immanuel and St Andrews School


KS1-KS4 / P1 - P7 / S1-S5
30 pupils per workshop
minimum of 60 minutes


How many pupils can take part?

Soundscape Poetry workshops can accommodate up to 30 pupils per workshop in sessions lasting from 1-hour - that's up-to 150 pupils in one day.

What is the format of the day?

Workshops last for a minimum of 60 minutes but can be extended. We will work with you to plan a timetable to accommodate the number of classes you would like to include, based around the timings of your school day.

Are there any technical requirements?

Your visitor will need access to a laptop/ screen/projector set up in the working space.

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