The world’s newest superhero, Bookman has the extraordinary power of bringing stories to life – and he'll fly into your school all set to help your pupils in doing the same

Workshop Description

“Thank you for sending 'Bookman' to Thomson House on Friday.  He was a huge hit in assembly, particularly for the teachers who hadn't read the email about his arrival and had no idea what was going on! Thomson House School

Bryan Bukman is a contented librarian who, with the help of his friend Betty, can transform himself into homemade superhero Bookman – with the power to bring stories to life! Unfortunately, though, there’s just one blot on the landscape … The village grump, hates anything that sparks people’s imaginations – and that includes books! He’s managed to wipe Bookman’s memory clean of all the stories he knew and loved – which is causing no end of trouble. Bookman needs the children to help him begin rebuilding his memory … and regain his superpower! We can plan a timetable that allows up to 7 classes to take part in just one day!

Thank you for this week’s World Book Day workshop with Bookman. The children and staff thought Bookman was brilliant and the children got a lot out of the visit. Organising a workshop for the whole school can sometimes be a little stressful but working with you and the rest of your team has been really easy and organised so thank you!” Shortstown Primary

"The visit yesterday was amazing,  Bookman! was a fabulous start to the day with his assembly, which really caught the kids’ imagination. I had staff coming to tell me they were shocked when he burst forth from the cupboard and surprised the hall. He was brilliant – and I’m especially impressed that he managed to work with children ranging from reception to Year 6s and entertained them all. It’s created a great buzz around the school about reading which is brilliant in the week of world book day. Jeavons Wood Primary

EYFS - Y6 / P1-P7 / Senior Infants - 6th Class
One Day
School Hall


How many pupils can take part?

A Visit from Bookman can accommodate up-to 60 pupils per workshop - that's the whole of a two-form entry school in just one day!

What is the format of the day?
We will work with you to plan a timetable for the workshops, to suit the number of classes you would like to include - and around the specific timings of your school day. In a two-form entry primary school (with all year groups apart from Reception taking part in groups of up-to 60), the timetable might look like this:

09.00 – 09.20: (optional) Whole-school assembly, where your visitor will introduce the day…

09.20 – 10.00: Year 1 stay in the hall for their workshop …

10.00 – 10.40: Year 2 come to the hall for their workshop …

10.40 – 11.20: Year 3 come to the hall for their workshop …

11.20 – 11.50: One Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …


1.00 – 1.30: The other Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …

1.30 – 2.10: Year 4 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.10 – 2.50: Year 5 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.50 – 3.30: Year 6 come to the hall for their workshop.



Are there any technical requirements?

There are no technical requirements for this day of activity.

Can we dress up?

Yes! Lots of the schools we work with choose to do this to really get into the theme of the day.

Are there any other whole-school workshops?

Yes! if you've already enjoyed our A Visit from Bookman workshop then you might want to consider one of our other whole-school literacy days which include; The Return of Bookman, The Extraordinary Adventures of Fillolog and The Character Hunt.

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