Join us as we bring our unique drama-based, engaging and creative science workshops to Eureka! Science + Discovery this summer!


Innovation and Beyond 

Voyage through the seas of discovery and chart the worlds of transport, communication, medicine and more to bring to life through drama and games “seven innovations that have changed the world”! And ask yourself this: what would be number eight? 


The Connection 

Celebrate the diversity of science and connect discovery to everyday life as we find out about and applaud some scientists, technologists, inventors and engineers who should be much better known than they are! What’s your particular connection to science? Because we’re all different! 


What a Wonderful World

Take a trip through the Universe as we search for life and celebrate the unique and fragile nature of Planet Earth. Then transform yourselves into human sculptures as we explore some of the animals living in both the rain forests and mountainous regions, and how they’re adapted to such diverse environments. And join us all in asking the question: how can we protect these amazing beasts and their habitats.


We'll be at Eureka! Science + Discovery on selected dates during the School Summer Holidays. Find out more over at


School Summer Holidays at Eureka! Science + Discovery!