The ability to adapt to changing conditions is the key to long term survival – from plants to mammals to civilisations themselves! And The Science of Change gives children the opportunity to explore pivotal people and moments in the ever changing landscape of science, engineering and technology. People and moments exemplifying the importance of both … Read More
Science Teaching Ideas
British Science Week – The Connection Teaching Pack Resource
British Science Week (8-17 March 2024) provides the perfect opportunity to create a science “buzz” around the school and ignite a passion for all things scientific. And every year, we devise a whole-school programme specifically tied in to the given theme – allowing every class to join a shared experience, in age-differentiated ways. “Children gained … Read More
British Science Week – Combatting Climate Change By Growing for Gold! Teaching Pack Resource
Every year British Science Week provides the perfect opportunity to create a science “buzz” around the school and ignite a passion for all things scientific. And every year, we devise a whole-school programme specifically tied in to the given theme – allowing every class to join a shared experience, in age-differentiated ways. Combatting Climate Change: Growing … Read More
British Science Week – The Connection – In-Person Whole-School Workshops
British Science Week provides the perfect opportunity to create a science “buzz” around the school and ignite a passion for all things scientific. And every year, we devise a whole-school programme specifically tied in to the given theme – allowing every class to join a shared experience, in age-differentiated ways. British Science Week will take … Read More