British Science Week – The Connection Teaching Pack Resource

6th Mar 2024News, School Workshops

British Science Week (8-17 March 2024) provides the perfect opportunity to create a science “buzz” around the school and ignite a passion for all things scientific. And every year, we devise a whole-school programme specifically tied in to the given theme – allowing every class to join a shared experience, in age-differentiated ways.  “Children gained … Read More

British Science Week – Combatting Climate Change By Growing for Gold! Teaching Pack Resource

24th Jan 2024News, School Workshops

Every year British Science Week provides the perfect opportunity to create a science “buzz” around the school and ignite a passion for all things scientific. And every year, we devise a whole-school programme specifically tied in to the given theme – allowing every class to join a shared experience, in age-differentiated ways. Combatting Climate Change: Growing … Read More