Grants of up to £500 towards a mathematical activity listed in the online STEM Directories are being offered by the Royal Institution, funded by The Clothworkers’ Foundation. The scheme is designed to help integrate maths Enrichment and Enhancement activities into school practice and to support teachers’ professional development. 

The deadline for applications to the Mathematics Grant Scheme is the 12th October 2018. 

Our Maths workshops are among the programmes you can apply for funding for as part of the Maths E&E Grant Scheme - so what are you waiting for - get in touch with us to reserve a date!

In the last two years alone we have delivered our successful Creative Maths programmes to over 400,000 children and young people across the UK and beyond. Carefully designed to both put into context and actively promote the keystones of the Curriculum, fluency, reasoning and problem solving, our programmes tap into pupils’ own creativity. Unashamedly fun and engaging, our workshops motivate (and, crucially, challenge) the children and young people we work with.

To fully capitalise on the new approaches you’ll have seen in action, why not end your day with either a Creative Maths Twilight for staff or our innovative Family Maths workshop? Both are highly experiential and outcomes-driven, so our CPD offers allow you to try out some new methodologies – whilst Family Maths brings home in a fun and unthreatening way the value of maths in real life.  And, by booking one of these at the end of a day of our workshops with pupils, you’ll get it all for a fraction of the usual price!

To find the perfect workshop for your school visit:

Maths Workshops for Primary Schools

Maths Workshops for Secondary Schools

Maths Workshops for Primary Schools in Scotland

Maths Workshops for Secondary Schools in Scotland

Maths Workshops for Primary Schools in Ireland

Maths Workshops for Secondary Schools in Ireland

You can find out more about the 2018 Maths Enrichment and Enhancement (E&E) Grant Scheme by visiting