
Case Study: The Bunker – Creative Maths Workshops

We know how important mathematical reasoning is – not just within the curriculum, but in real life too. So we

Case Study: Shaking up Shakespeare

Sadly, it is still very often the case that when students arrive in one of our Shakespeare workshops, the dread
Science Workshops

Case Study: Science Skills – a whole-school experience

Specifically designed to interest all children and young people in science, this exciting and engaging workshop cements pupils’ understanding by

Case Study: The Captain’s Conundrum – Creative Maths

Specially developed for large (three or four-form entry) schools wanting all their pupils to enjoy a shared maths experience in
Science Workshops

Case Study: Building a Geodesic Science Dome at St John Bosco

St John Bosco is an Arts specialist college, so it is no surprise that they value arts activities and outcomes.
Prayer Trail

Case Study: Creating a Prayer Trail at Childwall CE Primary

There is no shortage of green and leafy, outdoor space at Childwall C of E Primary so we were delighted